Fabulous Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 12/8/11 8:14 pm - Philadelphia, PA

I'm off today!!!!! YEAH!!!!!  Heading into center city with my children once they all get here.  Both girls live in Jersey.  I'm looking forward to a day of fun in the city, brings back childhood memories of time spent there with my mom and grandmom at Christmas time.

Got one paper done last night, sent off the the rest of the group for additions and further edits to the format.  Tomorrow I have to throw my PP presentation together and the last 8 page paper for this class.  Monday night this class is OVER!!!!  Then on to the next class - Health care mamagement and policies. So there is a two week break, however, I have so much reading and writing for my final project, and already have the first assignment for the next class this two week break is still going to contain lots of school work. 

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday....



on 12/8/11 9:27 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 How nice to have the day off to spend downtown with your kids.  I want to take the kids to see the Wanamaker's light show.  Haven't done it in a while, I don't remember if I even ever took Emily.  I remember taking Josh as a baby and crying my way through it because I was amazing that I was lucky enough to share MY childhood memories with a child of mine.  Hmmm...Maybe Sunday afternoon....we shall see!

Anyway - yeterday seemed to turn out pretty good.  I had some mild depressive states - did some self-talk and made it through.  Larry and I had fun with our friends last night.  Got home pretty late, am dragging a bit this morning, but all is good otherwise!

Today I am in school, this afternoon, a quick run to the market for a few things.  Then tonight I am hosting a Lia Sophia jewlery deomnstration.  Feel free to stop on over at 7:30 if you happen to find yourself in the Northeast.  PM me for my address.

Otherwise, have a GREAT Friday all!
IdaMae D.
on 12/9/11 10:10 am - Philadelphia, PA
Was great.  This was a very old family tradition for me as well.  I have photos of me, my cousins, my mom, my aunts, and my grandmother all in Wanamakers at Christmas time, as far back showing me about 1-2 yrs old.  Then when my parents moved to Jersey this became a tradition with my mom and my grandmom every Christmas to come to the city - If only the Crystal Tea Room were still open I have many, fond memories of eating there with my mom and grandmom!!!!

It's great to be able to share this with my girls as well.  Getting to the Christmas Village to be able to get the candies and gingerbread of my childhood to also share with the girls awesome.....

Last year my oldest daughter and I went on the weekend, the wait times were horrible, today the wait times were amazing, even got into the Comcast Center this time.  Being able to shop and take our times without being bumped by a huge crowd was great....

Have a wonderful time if you go into town over the weekend!!!!!


on 12/8/11 10:33 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - getting a late start posting but had an early start to my day. Got up early and polished my kitchen floor (hardwood) before heading off to work.

Right now I have a raging headache - OMG I don't get them often but this one is a doozy. Just took some pain meds - hope they help. A tad stressed this morning and trying not to - have a lot on my plate today for work and tonight is our holiday party - tomorrow we're showing the house. I'll be happy when Sunday rolls around and all I have to think about is filling my pouchie at Seven Stars!!

That's about it for me gang - Ida, enjoy your day - sounds like fun!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Lisa H.
on 12/8/11 10:49 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Hidey ho... it's Friday!!  Overjoyed because I only work 1 job today... 

Plus, it's payday and I can take care of some bills.  I was supposed to go to the dr this morning for a follow up and med check, but I canceled it because I need to be near my work phone.  Yesterday I got a call from my immediate supervisor telling me that as of Monday I am going to be reporting to a different department.  I'll be doing basically the same job, but for small group employers instead of middle market employers.  This is the area I came from 4 years ago.  He did not get any notice and is not happy about losing someone in the middle of open enrollment.   We are thinking they chose me to move because I have history/experience in small group.  So, I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing and for whom, but I know I will be in the small group area as of Monday.  He told me I would get a call today with more info.... thanks for the notice...    I was concerned about losing out on the overtime because of going back into training, but I told him I'd be willing to still do work for middle market while I"m in training so I can get the hours.  He confirmed that would be ok, so I'm glad about that.  I would have HATED to lose the OT.  I really need the extra money to pay off the bills.  

After work today, I have to take care of some of those bills.  Then, I am going to get my hair cut and colored in prep for Neil's parents' party.  I got a great coupon for JCPenney salon for $50 for cut and color for new clients, so I am taking advantage.  While I am at the mall, I am going to pick up my shoes (since Siehara has not done that yet.. lol)  I also have a coupon for JCPenney store, so I am going to see if there are any sale things that jump out at me for either myself and/or that I can add to Siehara's Hanukkah stuff.  

Later tonight my favorite band (and drummer) are going to be at Sand's.  So, I'm going to check them out.

It's going to be a great Friday! 

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 12/8/11 11:02 pm - Perry, MI
 I missed my AA meeting today, because I forgot to get my Avon order in last night, and it is due today by noon.  So, I just put my order in, and now, I am checking in on OFF and PA forums.

I will have to make the noon meeting, which is usually a zoo, with lots of young, rude people who talk when people are sharing.  If I get there early, I can sit closer to the front, and keep my back to the rude ones.

Then, this afternoon, I have my psychiatrist appointment.  I hope he will adjust my meds.  I am not sure what needs adjusting, as I take three psych meds.

I also have all of my granddaughter's presents to wrap.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 12/8/11 11:06 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Ida, PA Friends

Happy to read that you are in the last lap here of this class and hoping you enjoy your time in between with family and the holiday season. . .

I'm a little off today, just tired and cranky, which for a Friday is unusual, but oh well, this too shall pass I'm sure.  I have lots to do after work, as I need to get my butt to Home Depot, which I could not do as planned last night because I forgot the darned paint chips and guess what I did it again today, but I realized that since it is their colors, I can look at the wall and find what I need, this way Bert can get busy and freshen things up.  Roxie is back to her old self and while she'll let me clean out her ears, she does not like having the drops put in, I kind of have to chase and hold her down, but afterwards I give her a treat, so hoping she'll begin to associate the treat part with the process by tomorrow. . .

So nothing much else, Tony is coming tomorrow and then I have to meet up with friends on Sunday and finish purchasing whatever gifts I will be buying, as well as do some food prep for the week, as well as an office party we are having on Thursday.

Wishing peace and strength to all, most especially those who are dealing with life situations that present challenges.

Hugs, Laureen

P.S.  Where has Liz been hiding?  Hope she is just extra busy with the holiday's. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 12/9/11 12:14 am

Feeling kind of blah today...I don't know why, but I feel isolated from everyone. People that I used to keep in contact with are fading away. People who I thought were my friends are more like fair-weathered friends, when it is convenient for them. Eh, maybe I am feeling the holiday blues??

Today is wor****il 3pm, then getting nails done, then maybe going to a parade tonight to meet up with one of my work friends. That is it for me....

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth

on 12/9/11 3:29 am - PA

     I hear you about the being isolated part.  Been having a major case of "not being in with the in crowd" blues.  I know that a lot of people are on Facebook and make plans that way but I am not so I don't tend to know about things that are going on.  Oh well - that is my choice.  Am feeling better since I've resumed taking my vitamins and iron.  I also upped my anti depressant (with psych's approval).  Been fighting a cold the last few days but on the whole this week is a lot better than last week. 

          Congratulations on the results of your biopsy (I hope that is right).  It would have been nice to be with you and Lynn to celebrate last Saturday but then again I was in the ugly dark place.  So glad that is not with me at the moment.  Hang in there kid.  You work 2 jobs, are a great advocate for your daughter, have 2 parents whose health is not great - you got a lot on your plate.  Don't beat yourself up.  Give me a call if you want to talk (267)334-0294.  Know that I love you.  Take care.

on 12/9/11 10:59 pm

Thanks for the kind words and support! Yes, I had good results from my biopsy! No cancer, no lymphoma, but I am still a medical mystery. Yes, I do have a lot on my plate....

I will give you a call because I think we could both use each others support!!

Love you,


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